3.1. Structure and composition analysisFigure 1(a) shows the XRD patterns of the sintered Ca3 −xKxCo4O9 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15) bulk materials in the direction perpendicular to pressure direction, and the diffraction peaks are marked. All the diffraction peaks can be indexed as Ca3Co4O9 structure according to the JCPDS card with PDF No.21-0110, and no secondary phase was found, indicating that the prepared bulk materials are Ca3Co4O9 compounds, and the K has successfully entered into the lattice site.[18,27] As shown in Fig. 1(a), the diffraction peaks of (00l) planes are much stronger than other peaks. The orientation factor L is calculated by using XRD pattern to further analyze the grain orientation of the bulk sample. L can be expressed as
, where
, with I being the intensity of the diffraction peak, and P values are calculated from the XRD patterns of doped Ca3−xKxCo4O9 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15) samples; P0 is calculated from randomly grain oriented sample by using standard PDF card JCPDS (No.21-0110). The value of L is equal to 1 when the pressure direction is oriented along the crystal c-axis completely. Figure 1(b) shows the relationship between the L and the doping content of K. The L of all the samples were around 0.85, indicating that these ceramic samples in the c-direction have an obviously preferred orientation by the cold-pressure method, that is, the grains preferred to grow in the direction perpendicular to the pressure. The density of Ca3−xKxCo4O9 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15) samples is approximately 81% of the theoretical value (4.94 g/cm3)11 as shown in Fig. 1(c). Studies have shown that spark plasma sintering (SPS) technique[28,29] and hot press (HP) technique[28] each can make the sample have a higher density. Figure 2 displays the SEM images of Ca3−xKxCo4O9 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15) bulk samples. Most of the particles with a grain size of several microns are flake-like. Particle size distributions (Fig. 3) of the samples were determined by the software of Nano Measurer program[30] based on the corresponding SEM images. The analyses of a number of the particle show that these samples have average sizes of
, and
, respectively. With increasing doping content, the sizes of the particles increase.
3.2. Electrical transport propertiesThe relationships between the electrical conductivity and the temperature of the Ca3 −xKxCo4O9 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15) samples are shown in Fig. 4(a). According to the electrical conductivity formula
, where n is the carrier concentration, e is the electron charge of the carrier, and μ is the carrier mobility, the electrical conductivity mainly depends on the carrier concentration and mobility of the sample. Figure 4(a) shows that all electrical conductivity values increase with increasing temperature, which exhibits remarkable semiconductor-like behavior in a temperature range from 400 K to 1026 K. At the same time, it can be seen that when the doping concentration is
, the conductivity is higher than that of the undoped sample, but with the doping content increasing (x = 0.10, 0.15), the conductivity decreases and becomes lower than that of the undoped sample. In general, when K+ is substituted for Ca2+, the valence of K is lower than that of Ca, thereby increasing the carrier concentration in the sample. Simultaneously, K doping can form impurity energy level in the semiconductor band gap, reducing the band gap width. This result is conducive for impurity and intrinsic carriers transiting from the valence band to the conduction band to further increase the carrier concentration at room temperature, which leads to the higher electrical conductivity of the doped sample. These can explain why the electrical conductivity of x = 0.05 sample is higher than those of the undoped samples. However, the electrical conductivity decreases with the further increase of K doping content. It indicates that the carrier concentration increases and the carrier mobility decreases with the increase of K doping content. Moreover, the effect of carrier concentration on the electrical conductivity is weak compared with that of carrier mobility. Similarly, Pei et al.[21] found that the electrical conductivity decreases with the increase of Er-doping for Ca3−xErxCo4O9 + δ (x = 0.15, 0.30 and 0.50).
The experimental results can be further explained by the model of electrical conductivity versus temperature. Hopping conduction behavior exists in Ca3Co4O9 at high temperature. The electrical conductivity is generally described as
, where A, Ea, kB, and a are the pre-exponential terms relating to the scattering mechanism, activation energy, Boltzmann constant, and intersite distance of hopping, respectively.[31] Figure 4(b) shows the linear relationship between ln(σT) and 1000/T in the temperature range above 600 K, indicating that the sample satisfies the conduction mechanism of the hopping conduction behavior. According to the above equation, the value of Ea can be obtained by linearly fitting the slope. The results are provided in the illustration (R2 reaches 0.99). The value of Ea hardly changes with the increase of doping concentration. If the K is substituted for the Co ions in the CoO2 layer, the defect would be brought into the conduction path, and thus may have a significant effect on the activation energy. However, if the substitution is in the Ca2CoO3 layer, the conduction path will not be disturbed and will have little effect on the activation energy. Thus, K ions should be substituted for the Ca sites in the crystal lattice.[18,32,33] Although further research is generally necessary, lower concentration K doping favors the increase of the electrical conductivity of Ca3Co4O9 ceramic oxide. The electrical conductivity of Ca2.95K0.05Co4O9 sample is approximately 23% higher than that of the undoped Ca3Co4O9 sample, and lower concentration K doping has a significant effect on improving the Ca3Co4O9 electric properties.
The temperature-dependent Seebeck coefficient S values of all the samples are shown in Fig. 4(c). The sign of S is positive for the entire measured temperature range, confirming a dominant p-type conduction mechanism. The Seebeck coefficients of all the samples increase with increasing temperature. This result may be related to the phonon traction effect, that is, the phonon flows from the high-temperature end of the semiconductor to the low-temperature side, transfers energy to the carrier by collision, and then forms the seam stream with the phonons, and thus increasing the Seebeck coefficient. Notably, the increase in electrical conductivity is generally accompanied by a decrease in the Seebeck coefficient; however, the Seebeck coefficients of the K-doped and the undoped samples are nearly equal. The Ca3Co4O9 is a strong electron correlation system[11] whose Seebeck coefficient can be analyzed according to Heikes expansion formula.[34] The S of the cobalt oxide system can be expressed as
 | |
d3 and
d4 are the numbers of configurations of the Co
3+ and Co
4+ ions, respectively, and
x is the concentration of Co
4+ ions in the CoO
2 layer, with the low spin states of Co
3+ and Co
4+ yielding
d3 = 1 and
d4 = 6. According to the above equation, the value of
S increases with decreasing
x value, that is, it is assumed that the K ion fraction replaces Co
4+ in CoO
2, which can reduce the concentration of Co
4+ ions. Simultaneously, the transition of Co
4+ state to the low spin state Co
3+ also reduces
x, thereby increasing
S. However,
S does not change with K doping in the present study, and thus K ions do not enter into the CoO
2 conductive layer,
[35] which is consistent with previous
Ea analysis. Furthermore, the test results can also be analyzed based on Mott formula
kB, and
μ (
ε) are the electronic specific heat, Boltzmann constant, and energy correlated carrier mobility, respectively. From the above equation,
S mainly depends on the
n and
ε) at a certain temperature. The number of K
+ ions increases the carrier concentration
n in the alternative Ca
2+ based on previous analysis, and the first term of Eq. (
2) shows that
S decreases as the carrier concentration
n increases. However, the results of the present study show that different concentrations of K doping have little effect on the
S value of the sample. When K
+ replaces the Ca
2+ position in the lattice, the energy band structure and the Fermi level
EF of the system will change, and the
ε) of the second term of the formula may also change. Although dopant increases the carrier concentration,
S also increases,
[37,38] indicating that
μ (
ε) may have a critical effect on
S in this layered cobalt oxide. This result indicates that when the carrier concentration increases,
S is almost invariant.
The values of power factor
of the Ca3−xKxCo4O9 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15) series of samples are shown in Fig. 4(d) to estimate the TE properties of the material. As can be observed from the figure, PF increases with increasing temperature, and K doping can regulate the power factor of the sample. For the Ca2.95K0.05Co4O9 sample, the PF reaches
at 1026 K, which is approximately 22% higher than that of the undoped Ca3Co4O9 sample. The high PF indicates a relatively high TE conversion power.[39] This result indicates that K doping is an effective method of improving the electrical properties of Ca3Co4O9 materials.
3.3. Thermal transport propertiesFigure 4(e) shows the relationships between the total thermal conductivity (k) of the sample in the direction perpendicular to the pressure direction and temperature. For all samples, k decreases with increasing temperature. The value of k for the sample doped with K is less than that of the undoped sample. For the Ca3Co4O9 system, the k can be represented by the sum of carrier thermal conductivity (kc) and the phonon thermal conductivity (kp), i.e.,
, where the carrier thermal conductivity is defined as
according to the Wiedemann–Franz law. The value of kc is small (Fig. 4(f)); it is approximately only 10% of the total thermal conductivity. Accordingly, k depends mainly on kp. In the low-order approximation, the phonon thermal conductivity can be given by using the relationship
, where c, v, and lp represent the specific heat capacity of the phonon, the phonon propagation velocity, and the mean free path, respectively. Typically, such doping will increase c but reduce v and lp.[40,41] Moreover, the phonon propagation velocity and the mean free path of the phonon are positively correlated.[42] Based on the above analysis, the phonon thermal conductivity is suppressed, which can be attributed to lattice defects caused by the doping of K and thus causing lattice deformation, thereby enhancing phonon scattering and reducing the average free path of the phonon and the propagation velocity. According to Matthiessenʼs law, the phonon thermal conductivity mainly depends on the point defect scattering, grain boundary scattering, and the non-harmonic three-phonon Umklapp process (U process) scattering. As a new scattering center, point defect (such as Ca or O vacancies) can further lead to enhanced phonon scattering. Furthermore, the difference between Ca and K ions introduces the spread of stress field, which makes the point defects of the phonon increase and the phonon thermal conductivity decrease. However, there is no regular change in thermal conductivity with the increase of K doping content, which requires further study. However, the lower concentration K doping can be more effective than the higher[24] to reduce the thermal conductivity of the Ca3Co4O9.